Course objectives
To develop, in elders, small group leaders and church planting pastors in newly responsive areas, the confidence that the Scripture is the Word of God, sufficient to guide them in their ministry.
Course description
This course examines in depth the place of the Bible in the believer’s life, the process of the Bible’s writing, numerous logical, historical and scientific arguments against the Bible, and concepts related to interpretation of Scripture. It becomes clear through the course that God’s revealed Word, as found in the 66 books of the Bible, is the believer’s only firm foundation for knowing, understanding, and applying ultimate truth concerning physical and spiritual reality.
Learning Outcomes
Content: By the end of the course, the student will be able:
- To differentiate between general revelation and special revelation.
- To understand the divine and human components of inspiration of the scriptures.
- To express what is unique about the Christian understanding of « inspiration » and the process of revelation.
- To explain the central role of the Bible as the authority for Christians, as opposed to tradition, to experience, to influential people, to human reasoning, or to other sources of authority.
- To distinguish between the Word of God in the flesh (Jesus Christ) and the written word of God (the scriptures).
- To outline briefly the formation of the biblical canon (66 books of the OT and NT).
Character: By the end of the course, the student will be able:
- To express in a convincing manner why he believes that the Bible is the sole authority for his personal faith, i.e.,that the Bible is the source of his beliefs and doctrine and his guide in all matters of conduct and practice.
Competency: By the end of the course, the student will be able:
- To explain why no other book, philosophy, or scientific claim can abrogate the Bible or supersede its plain teachings.
- To respond to challenges to the authority of the Scriptures, especially accusations concerning textual variants and falsification of the Bible, through archaeological, historical, or scientific arguments.
- Teach a group of believers key points covered in this course.