Progressing Together exists to contribute to the spiritual growth and multiplication of the local church in areas where believers in Christ are a minority with limited access to discipleship and Christian service training.
Progress, Grow in the faith
- Courses are centred on the Bible—biblical passages serve as the basis of the lessons
- The courses train the student to feed on the Word for himself to understand, reflect on, correct, share, and put into practice in the context of the local church.
- Through an active, inductive methodology, the program aims to teach the student to interpret and obey the Word—not simply to acquire Biblical knowledge
- To learn with others is to encourage one another!
- Learning to appreciate the Church’s diversity, by understanding the position of believers from other doctrinal perspectives.
- Working together in the local church or with brothers and sisters from the same region.
- Reinforcing church life, and the direction of church leadership
On site
- Without needing to travel outside the country or to depend on a particular facility
- Without the need of significant help from the outside
- Without depending on the long term presence of expert professors in theology
- Without heavy financial backing or significant resources
- A progressive, ordered, multi-level program
- Easy to transfer to others
- Students are soon able to lead others through the lessons they have learned, multiplying the teaching body of the Church.