Course Objective
To prepare elders, discipleship group leaders and church planting pastors in newly responsive areas of the Arab World to ground their people in sound doctrine and to protect them from false doctrine and teachers through the foundational teachings of Scripture.
Course Description
This course reviews the beliefs that unite evangelical churches worldwide. The course follows the outline of the Apostle’s Creed, but also draws students to read and study those scriptures which form the basis of these basic doctrinal statements.
Learning Outcomes
Content: By the end of the course, the student will be able:
- To describe basic Christian teaching concerning: the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Human Person, Sin, Salvation, the Christian Life, the Church and Sacraments, and Eschatology, and to present key scriptures related to each.
- To understand how these doctrines relate to each other to form a harmonious whole.
- To show how beliefs in these areas, properly understood, have a practical effect on the life of a believer.
Character: By the end of this course, the student will:
- Embrace and practice the memorization of scripture as a means of spiritual growth.
- Embrace the character attributes of God as a model for growth in personal holiness.
- Develop a love for Biblical teaching and a desire to safeguard others from erroneous teaching.
Competency: By the end of this course, the student will:
- Be able to recite the Apostles‘ Creed from memory.
- Be able to recite scriptures that support that creed.
- Develop a doctrinal statement concerning Salvation in order to better understand how doctrines are established.
- Be able to identify false teachings of specific sects and describe the heretical doctrines at the foundation of that false teaching.