Course Description
The student will make use of the basic principles of biblical interpretation (hermeneutics), introduced in BIBL201.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Give general background to the prophetic ministry.
- Review the historical background to the period of the ‚writing prophets‘ in order to understand the situations that the prophets faced. (Note: this period of history is covered in BIBL204).
- Understand both the immediate situations the prophets addressed and the future dimensions of their prophecies.
- Discuss different aspects of, and approaches to, the question of fulfilment of their prophecies: fulfilment in Israel’s history prior to Christ’s coming (e.g. the exile and return); fulfilment in Christ; fulfilment in the Church; eschatological fulfilment (including the place of Israel and modern day Israel).
- Be able to develop practical applications for today: be able to bring a ‚word of encouragement‘ from the prophets.