Preparation for a Saviour-King
We highly recommend beginning the program with BIBL201. The historical section (BIBL202–BIBL203–BIBL204) should then be studied in chronological order. The student will progressively come to see how God developed the plan of salvation throughout history. At the same time, each course should build on the foundation of the previous one(s) and prepare the student for the following one(s).
The student will use the basic principles of Bible study already introduced in BIBL201.
Course Objectives
To give the students a deeper appreciation of the preparation for the gospel message, which has its roots in the Old Testament, so they will apply the principles of spiritual lostness, repentance, and transforming faith in the Redeemer to their lives and witness about salvation in Christ.
Course Description
After a brief review of the history of Israel before the monarchy began, this course surveys the establishment of the monarchy and its gradual fall into decadence which eventually led to the destruction of the northern kingdom and exile of the southern kingdom of Judah. This series of events helped forge the messianic expectations of the people of Israel. The course demonstrates how David exemplified Christ the King through a new covenant and later illustrates the terrible wages of sinful living. It ends by showing how God still had a plan for rescuing the faithful few under the old covenant, but all the time was preparing the way for Christ’s coming to redeem the whole world.
Learning Outcomes
Content: By the end of the course, the student will:
- Better understand the original context (biblical, historical, cultural and linguistic) of these books.
- Understand God’s dealings with his people in this historical period within the overall context of the development of the plan of salvation.
- Study the whole of the history of Israel, especially as it concerns their relationship with God.
Character: By the end of the course, the student will:
- Resolve to never allow any „high places“ and „idolatry“ to develop in his or her life.
- Diligently seek to emulate the positive aspects of the godly prophets and kings.
- Reflect the love of God which led him to do everything possible to rescue mankind from their sin and lostness.
Competency: By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Identify the purposes of the authors at the time of writing and be able to apply their messages to today.
- Describe the major characters and place them in their historical context.
- Explain the place of Jesus Christ in these books, especially the allusions to and types of Christ.